Levine&Levine+Partners, Limited Liability Partnership is a creative agency created and mismanaged by copywriter Jedd Levine and AdAge’s #1 Fictional Ad Agency of the Year.
Not existing allows us the creative freedom to consistently deliver groundbreaking work. Still not convinced? Just look at the logos of prestigious award shows we've placed underneath this paragraph:
Tomorrow's advertising landscape requires creativity, agility, and the bravery to make up capabilities and personnel on the fly. The agency of the future is responsive, integrated, specialized, platform agnostic, traditional, non-traditional, and other adjectives we haven't read yet from LinkedIn thought leaders.
Want to see how we put a new coat of paint over our process to disguise the fact we basically do the same thing as everyone else? Read on.
Are you a brand that will pay us legal tender in exchange for goods but mostly services? Let us take you out to an expensive dinner at a trendy fusion restaurant.
Are you an agency? Have you considered getting your first acquisition under your belt? A nice resume boost and an industry article are only a phone call away.
Are you an aspiring or experienced advertising wizard? Do you share the exact same genetic makeup as our founder, managing director, director of talent, creative department, and tech team? Then we want to talk to you.
EMAIL: jedd@llp-llp.com
EMAIL: jedd@llp-llp.com
EMAIL: jedd@llp-llp.com